[edgtf_elements_holder number_of_columns=”one-column” switch_to_one_column=”” alignment_one_column=””][edgtf_elements_holder_item horizontal_aligment=”center” vertical_alignment=”middle” background_image=”1525″ item_padding=”9.3% 0 6.5% 0″ item_padding_600_768=”9.3% 0 9.3% 0″ item_padding_768_1024=”9.3% 0 9.3% 0″ item_padding_480=”20% 0 20% 0″]


Beautiful templates for your awesome portfolio projects
[edgtf_button type=”solid” size=”” text=”PURCHASE NOW” target=”_blank” icon_pack=”” font_weight=”” link=”https://themeforest.net/item/assemble-a-contemporary-portfolio-theme/16966325?_ga=1.121457544.1064621909.1468487956″ color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#333333″ hover_background_color=”#f6c0a5″ border_color=”#333333″ hover_border_color=”#f6c0a5″][/edgtf_elements_holder_item][/edgtf_elements_holder]

18 Beautiful Homepages

With Assemble you can choose from a stunning collection of 18 carefully designed and distinct homepage examples

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Single Project Templates

Five distinct single project types and the option to create your own custom layouts let you make the perfect home for your projects


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Tons of Portfolio Layouts

Pick the best style for your portfolio. Each portfolio layout in Assemble comes with its own set of customization options.

[edgtf_preview_slider slider_link_target=”_blank” devices_appear_effect=”no” slider_title=”Fully Responsive” slider_description=”In the era of mobile it’s essential that your website is adaptable and responsive. Assemble is created to looks equally great on all your devices, and is even fully prepared for retina screens.” slider_link=”#” slider_link_text=”PURCHASE NOW” autoplay_speed=”2500″][edgtf_preview_slide ps_target=”_blank” ps_desktop_image=”3817″ ps_tablet_image=”3819″ ps_mobile_image=”3818″ ps_link=”http://assemble.edge-themes.com/slider-showcase/”][edgtf_preview_slide ps_target=”_blank” ps_desktop_image=”3825″ ps_tablet_image=”3827″ ps_mobile_image=”3826″ ps_link=”http://assemble.edge-themes.com/split-showcase/”][edgtf_preview_slide ps_target=”_blank” ps_desktop_image=”3829″ ps_tablet_image=”3831″ ps_mobile_image=”3830″ ps_link=”http://assemble.edge-themes.com/masonry-wide/”][edgtf_preview_slide ps_target=”_blank” ps_desktop_image=”3833″ ps_tablet_image=”3835″ ps_mobile_image=”3834″ ps_link=”http://assemble.edge-themes.com/category-slider/”][/edgtf_preview_slider]

Stunning Menu Styles

Make sure you create the best navigation for your website using the Assemble collection of creative menu styles.


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[edgtf_elements_holder number_of_columns=”one-column” switch_to_one_column=”” alignment_one_column=””][edgtf_elements_holder_item horizontal_aligment=”left” vertical_alignment=”middle” item_padding=”27% 0% 0% 39%” item_padding_1280_1600=”18% 0% 0% 39%” item_padding_1024_1280=”15% 0% 0% 24% ” item_padding_768_1024=”15% 0% 0% 14%” item_padding_600_768=”5% 20% 0% 20%” item_padding_480_600=”12% 5% 0% 5%” item_padding_480=”12% 5% 0% 5%”]


Using the interactive showcase elements and amazing portfolio sliders in Assemble, you can easily highlight your top portfolio projects in a variety of captivating, innovative, and creative ways.

[edgtf_button type=”solid” size=”medium” text=”PURCHASE NOW” target=”_self” icon_pack=”” font_weight=”” link=”#” color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#333333″ hover_background_color=”#f6c0a5″ border_color=”#333333″ hover_border_color=”#f6c0a5″][/edgtf_elements_holder_item][/edgtf_elements_holder]
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[edgtf_elements_holder number_of_columns=”one-column” switch_to_one_column=”” alignment_one_column=””][edgtf_elements_holder_item horizontal_aligment=”left” vertical_alignment=”middle” item_padding=”10.5% 18% 8.5% 5%” item_padding_768_1024=”10.5% 11% 8.5% 5%” item_padding_600_768=”10.5% 10% 12% 10%” item_padding_480_600=”19.5% 5% 21.5% 5%” item_padding_480=”19.5% 5% 21.5% 5%”]
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Amazing Hover Effects

Assemble comes with loads of creative and distinct hover effects that let you customize the look and feel of your portfolio.

Practical Inner Pages

All Assemble pages can be easily and quickly imported. Simply choose the pages you want to use and adapt them to your needs.

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Need A Blog?

With 4 beautiful blog list templates and loads of styling options, Assemble gives you full control over every aspect of your blog.

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WooCommerce Compatible

Assemble is fully compatible with the popular and free WooCommerce plugin for eCommerce. Create an online shop with ease.

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Key Features

Assembles is packed with powerful and highly practical options. Here are just some of the awesome features in the theme.

[edgtf_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-list” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”edgtf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title_tag=”” title=”Intuitive Admin” icon_position=”top” text=”Assemble is packed with powerful and practical options. Here are just some of the awesome features in the theme. ” custom_icon=”654″]
[edgtf_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-list” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”edgtf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title_tag=”” title=”Creative Elements” icon_position=”top” text=”With Assemble you get awesome shortcodes, all designed to give you full freedom and creative control.” custom_icon=”655″]
[edgtf_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-list” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”edgtf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title_tag=”” title=”Free Plugins” icon_position=”top” text=”Buy Assemble and get the Visual Composer page builder plugin and the Revolution Slider plugin for free.” custom_icon=”656″]
[edgtf_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-list” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”edgtf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title_tag=”” title=”One-Click Import” icon_position=”top” text=”Import our demo content with one click of your mouse. Then simply choose your favorite pages and set up your site.” custom_icon=”659″]
[edgtf_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-list” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”edgtf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title_tag=”” title=”Fast Support” icon_position=”top” text=”Our team of professional and friendly support assistants is there for you if you ever need any help with Assemble.” custom_icon=”658″]
[edgtf_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-list” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”edgtf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title_tag=”” title=”Social Share” icon_position=”top” text=”Assemble lets you display social sharing buttons on your site and also comes with Twitter and Instagram feed widgets.” custom_icon=”657″]

Start Right Now

Assemble your perfect portfolio website quickly and with ease

[edgtf_button type=”solid” size=”” text=”PURCHASE THEME” target=”_blank” icon_pack=”” font_weight=”” link=”https://themeforest.net/item/assemble-a-contemporary-portfolio-theme/16966325?_ga=1.121457544.1064621909.1468487956″ color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#333333″ hover_background_color=”#f6c0a5″ border_color=”#333333″ hover_border_color=”#f6c0a5″]

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